Wednesday, March 10, 2010

hurry up and wait

All you previous military will appreciate this titled blog. I am finished with leg three of my journey back home. I had to show up at customs more than 24 hours ago to start my second leg yesterday. From there we are marched into a room (with chairs this time) to wait for four hours which of course becomes more like eight with the obligatory delays. We finally took off after standing in the rain wiating to board and landed in Germany 8 hours later. Another three hours of waiting. Though this time we were allowed to partake in a German beer if deisred. I desired. I also wolfed down a couple of their bratwurst. Next we flew 7 more hours to Bangor, Maine where I am currently. We were supposed to have a 2 hour layover which is now announced to be 4-7 hours. It is 3 AM local time, however, there were still some retirees here to shake our hand when we stepped off the plan and they opened the coffee shop for some warm drink and food. God bless them!
Okay, next time I blog (if ever again) it will be from my home turf in San Diego. Thanks again for all the support these past few months.

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