Monday, September 28, 2009

another sandy day in paradise

So I had to move yesterday. Apparently, it was not appropriate for me to stay in the company grade quarters being that I am a field grade officer currently and will be promoted in the coming weeks. Thus, I was shuttled across the gravel to the tent housing the CO the XO and other brass. True, there is a bit more wiggle room in my new corner of the tent, but it just is not as lax. There certainly is not the same humor quality (or lack thereof) that there is in the junior officer quarters.
It is still hot here. There is plenty of water to go around, but usually the bottles are in big piles stationed outside buildings and therefore the water is as hot as the day. Refrigerators are sparse in these parts and ice is unheard of. When you go to the chow hall for lunch you sweat and it is not because of any spice in the food.
I have included some more photos for your enjoyment. You can appreciate the nice little dust storms we get daily. I also included a sunset, because it is the first time I have seen a cloud in these parts. The car, a Tata, is a common vehicle seen on base. We call them Tic Tacs. The last picture I included is a bazaar that they have on base. I doubt that many of the objects are real, but it killed 10 minutes of my deployment so worth the perusing.


  1. Hey your a moving on up in the world. Stay safe

  2. OMGoodness! A BAZAAR? You know how much I LOVE Bazaars! I guess the snow cone machine we sent will be of no use out there. Sorry. We love you!
