Monday, September 21, 2009

flight to Afghanistan

So our flight finally took place. We again had to hurry up and wait. We literally crammed our way onto some old white school buses and then we boarded a C-17. I sat on a jump seat next to our pallets of gear. Interesting flight in that you have little sense of where you are since no windows. Bizarre to feel a drop on approach, but not able to fully anticipate landing until…bam!
Whe we landed and the back opened up I knew I was not in Kansas or any part of civilization anymore…

Just so you know, I have limited access to internet and thus posts will be fewer. Also, I cannot get my normal e-mail, so if you want to get a hold of me contact Liz and she can give you alternative e-mails.

Me on the bus with the fellas

Two of my corpsmen

View from my seat

1 comment:

  1. I'll contact Liz and see about the alternative contacts. will hold down the amount of traffic also for know how precious your time is to answer family mails, etc.
    Also, sending this Blog site to Chaz so he can eventually hook up wiht you, probably mid-October. Yeppers, Chargers are a bit soft and porous in the trenches, both O and D... numberous players hurt. They already made a few trades to attemp shoring up the troops until the rest rally. and, of course the fans are having a field day! LOL
