Wednesday, September 16, 2009

rainy day

Picture today is me wearing Russian military hat purchased at base in Manas. It is a little colder and raining today. Not all was lost as I found out that AAFES contracts out massage services in a trailer. I happily got a 20 dollar 1 hour massage from Tatiana. Liz will be happy to know that there was no 'happy ending' to this massage! Tatiana tells me that she is Russian and that Russians make up less than 10% of local population. Most of the those living in Kygystan are Kyrgystanies (spelling?) who also speak Russian (since once part of Soviet Union), however look very Asian in their features. The nearest city is also the capital and most contractors from both Kyrgystan and those form America live out in town and commute. I will most likely be leaving this base in coming days and go onward to Camp Bastion to hang with the British. More to come....

I was ecstatic to see that ACORN is finally being outed. I see that one of the primary sting videos was from San Diego (National City). Unfortunately, the major networks will still not report much on it. Journalism is not well these days and certainly not non-partisan (my opinion).


  1. Mark:

    Hello friend! Love the hat. Craig has one too and boy does he use it a lot here in FL. I just sent a email with a mini update to Liz but would love to know the best email to find you at while you are on your adventure. I love the blog and will be following along on your journey. My guess is that you will not be doing a lot of allergy testing.... Take good care of yourself!!!!!!!!!

    Suzanne B

  2. Rose and I are still laughing, i think i'm setting a new desktop image.... You have to bring us all one of those... great for poker nights.

  3. I will try to pick up some more unique hats that they have here should we pass back through this place on the way out.
