Wednesday, December 16, 2009

birthday message for Timothy

Today is Timothy's 8th BDay. He was born December 16th, 2001. I am trying to load this video, but a 30 second video on these computers with this bandwidth takes like 30-60 minutes.

I will tell you a brief story about Timothy's birth. I was a pediatric resident at the time and was on call in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit). Liz came rolling into the labor deck in the early morning hours. She was stable and I was trying to juggle taking care of the neonates in the NICU and checking on my wife on the labor deck. Well the other resident on the ward called the NICU staff and the staff came in at 0400 to relieve me to be with my wife. He also brought me a coffee to help me stay awake. As anyone knows who has been a resident, you usually get no sleep at night and that coffee just could not hold me. So at mid-morning with Liz stable I sauntered (good descritpive work isn't it?) down to the coffee cart to reload on my caffeine. Right when I was about to get that cup of joe, an overhead page was sent for me to return to the labor deck. Let me tell you, that page was better than any coffee in waking me up. Thankfully, for me, I got back in time for the birth of my third child.

So, I need a volunteer to 'gently' swat Timmy's gluteus maximus eight times to properly indoctrinate him to his new age.

I love you son!. Happy Birthday buddy!

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