Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I was asked about the prevalence of water at our establishment here in Afghanistan. There is no evidence of any water anywhere near here. There is not a green anything here except on Marines. Apparently one of the reasons that this base was built here is that it sits on a huge underground aquifer. The water we drink is actually ‘bottled in Camp Bastion’ which is scary enough. That being said, we have plenty of available water. There are wood huts situated throughout the base that has pallets of water that anyone can take. In the chow halls there are refrigerators full of water (which oddly enough always seems to be warm?). Our CO had a huge walk in refrigerator placed next to the BAS to store cold water for the Marines/Sailors. It was just placed in time for our oncoming winter.
Speaking of water, I should see plenty of it soon. There are a few months of the ‘rainy’ season. When it rains that water just sits on the ground as the ground is not porous at all. The BAS, and all other tents, will get flooded. We were told that there was a stream of water that flowed through the BAS in the past. The ground becomes a sticky mud (remember, all we have is dirt around here) that gets over everything. Should be tons of fun!

I am going to go get a cold one now. That would be water for me 

Typical water storage area.

Bottles actually tell you to keep out of direct sunlight! How about out of the sand!

The master of the water locker,

Is bottled in Bastion a good thing?

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