Friday, October 9, 2009

what to do with the sand

So lets talk about sand today. Not the sand you make sand castles at the beach with (that would require water silly). Not the sand you put in the back yard for the kids to play with (that is too fine and comfortable on your feet. No we will talk about Afghanistan sand. When one first tries to establish a base here he/she realized that the dust is horrible. Walking in the sand is like walking in moon dust with billows of dust clouds forming about your knees as if you were walking about in powdered sugar. So what is the solution? Scrap off top layer and then put down different sand with small to large rocks in it to keep the dust down. This works to an extent, but my lungs are probably caked at this point as if I were a 30 year smoker. Also, any piece of equipment anywhere on base has a layer of dust upon it.
There is however, one ingenious use of the sand and that is for walls. HESCO (do not know what acronym stands for) is the way they build walls around here. Basically you take a wire shape and stick a fibrous board material bucket inside and then fill with what the primary resource of the land happens to be......sand! Pictures below. Cheers :)

I finished Liberty and Tyranny by Mark Levin. Really enjoyed the history lessons in the book and it scared me to death of what we may be led to expect to occur in this country (U.S.) if we do not wake up.
Now I am reading a history of Afghanistan. In a nutshell, lots of war, lots of betrayal, lots of brothers killing each other and/or blinding each other and lots of kids with many wives. Favorite quote so far is from one of the monarchs of the past who was forced into exile into British India. He said in autobiography 'I would rather tend to a blade of grass at British camp rather than rule all of Afghanistan'. Wonder why with all the sand and all?

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